Tuesday, 22 September 2015


Grit is made out of two words, persistence and resilience. Persistence is when you keep on trying. Resilience is when you might get hurt but then you go again, like you try to do a wheelie but then you fall on your back, but then you keep on trying until you get it right. Once I  used grit for biking, I tried to bike I tried every day and some times i used to fall of my bike. Then after two weeks I learnt how to bike. Also I used grit for my work, I used it for decimals adding and subtracting, it was really hard but I kept on trying, then it became easier.

Thursday, 10 September 2015

My learning

This week I learnt how to use rounding with decimals it was hard but I persisted then I got it

hook wrighting

Bam I slamed the door accidentally on on my sister's finger. My sister angrily charged I ran to the living room she was on the other side of the table she chased me around the table and then scratched me and tried to grab me I then ran to the kitchen wrong place to run I was trapped she hit me and told me off.

Thursday, 3 September 2015

My learning

This week I learnt how to draw proper 2d shapes. 2d shapes have only have one face, width and depth.


Tuesday, 1 September 2015


Our room got to choose a task based on health and PE and my WIT (wildly important task) my wit was on tornado and I put what I know on it.